Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program in Canada 2023 | Funded
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program in Canada 2023 | Funded
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program 2023 is designed to retain the best minds in Canada. The funding is for the first-class world postdoctoral applicants who excel in their research and academics.

The Banting fellowship in Canada 2023 is available for both national and international scholars. The Fellowship is for every student around the world. The Fellowships are very beneficial. They are providing the recipient the value of $70,000 per year for two years.
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Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program 2023 is designed to retain the best minds in Canada. The funding is for the first-class world postdoctoral applicants who excel in their research and academics. As the purpose of the Banting Postdoctoral fellowship program is to develop leadership qualities amount the top and highly talented top-tier postdoctoral minds. The fellowship also expects to make the research leaders for future generations.
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To summarise, the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program (BPFP) provides funding for postdoctoral fellows to conduct research in the area of human nutrition at the University of Toronto or other Canadian universities. The program also provides funding for postdoctoral fellows to attend the CIHR’s Annual Scientific Meeting and the CIHR’s National and International Conferences.
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The program provides funding to the very finest postdoctoral candidates, both locally and internationally, who will positively impact the country’s economic, social, and research-based growth. 70 new two-year fellowships will be granted yearly, dispersed equally across Canada’s three federal granting agencies.
The objective of the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program is to attract and retain top-tier postdoctoral talent, develop their leadership potential, and position them for success as research leaders of tomorrow. The banting postdoctoral fellowship program also avails funding for deserving postdoctoral candidates. It consists both nationally and internationally. The purpose of funding is to contribute toward the country’s economy, social and research-based growth.

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About Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program in Canada
- DEADLINE: 21 September 2023.
- LEVEL: Postdoctoral.
- OPEN TO: Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada and foreign citizens.
- FINANCING: $70,000 (taxable) per year and during two years.
- HOST UNIVERSITY: Specific (see below).
Benefits of the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships in Canada 2023:
- $ 70,000 CAD will be paid annually.
- The scholars will get a chance to work on their research program under the best Canadian supervisors.
- The fellowships are awarded on an equitable basis.
Eligibility Criteria of the Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023:
- The applicants must have completed their Ph.D., the Ph.D. equivalent.
- Fellowships can only be held in Canadian institutes by applicants who are not Canadians or permanent residents of Canada.
- Applicants who are Canadians or permanent residents of Canada with a PhD from a foreign institution will be considered only if they continue their postdoctoral work in a Canadian institution.
- Applicants who are Canadian or permanent residents of Canada and also have completed their Ph.D. or equivalent in a Canadian institute or in a foreign institute.
- The award is only available once in a lifetime.
- Only those scholars who are eligible are nominated by the host institutions.
- Scholars of all nationalities cab apply but international students continue the program in Canada for international scholars.
- Applicants must contact the desired supervisor and confirm the eligibility of the institute for Banting fellowships.
How to Apply for Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Program in Canada
To avail Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship, please follow the following instructions:
- Before applying, contact your desired institution if eligible to host a Banting Fellow through here . and if you are hoping to be hosted at a Canadian institution, please see the Universities Canada website through here for a list of Canadian academic institutions and their research areas.
Contact the preferred host institution/supervisor
- Applications must be accomplished in full collaboration with the potential host institution.
- Candidates must be endorsed by the institution’s president (equivalent or designate).
- Candidates are responsible for supplying their proposed institution and referees with the documents needed.
From the beginning of the application procedure, candidates and their host institution should discuss:
- Details of the fellowship appointment.
- Benefits offered.
- Any financial responsibilities connected
- The availability of any research
- The rights and responsibilities of postdoctoral researchers.
- Any other institution-specific policies.

Register for Canadian Common CV (CCV) and Research Net accounts
- Ensure you have Research Net account here.
- CIHR PIN – unique personal identifier required here.
- CCV account –generate CVs as needed for all member organizations here.
- Begin a ResearchNet application from here
- Identify an area of research
- identify participants
Fulfilment of degree requirements forms
- Identify referees
- Enter degree information.
- Enter proposal information and supporting documents
- Research proposal
- Bibliography
- Institutional letter of endorsement
Supervisor’s statement
Check here for more details. To inquire further about Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship, please visit Official Website.
Good Luck 🤞
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