The Islamic Development Bank, is an international financial institution to support and develop the economic and social progress of the member states. Was established in implementation of the statement of determination issued by the Conference of Islamic Finance Ministers, which was held in Jeddah in1393 AH (December 1973).
Why Islamic Development Bank Scholarships?
The Islamic Development Bank is a multilateral development bank that improves the lives of those whom we serve by promoting social and economic development in Muslim countries and communities around the world, and making an impact on a large scale.
Details of the Scholarship:
- Donor: – Islamic Development Bank.
- Course Level: Bachelor’s, Master’s, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Research Program, Professional Training.
- Financial Coverage: Fully Funded.
- Application deadline: February 28, 2021.
- Host universities: The best universities in the United Kingdom, Canada, Denmark, Uzbekistan, Malaysia, Turkey, Tunisia and Morocco.
- A monthly stipend that varies according to the country of study.
- A settlement allowance is granted to students who study abroad.
- Covering tuition fees at the university.
- Medical Insurance.
- Roundtrip airline tickets are offered once.
- Graduation thesis preparation allowance. (For postgraduate students).
- Conference participation allowance, books and clothing allowance (for doctoral students).
- Allowance for preparing scientific papers (post-doctoral program).
Level and duration of study in the Scholarship:
- Undergraduate programs (4 years).
- Master’s program (two years).
- Doctoral Program and Postdoctoral Research Program (3 years).
The Islamic Development Bank – Institute of International Studies for Vocational Education and Training (VET) and undergraduate studies in 21 least developed countries.
Conditions for applying for the Scholarship:
Eligible Countries:
All Arab Nationalities: (United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Djibouti, Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Comoros, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia , Syria, Tunisia, Yemen) Citizens of any of the member states of the Islamic Development Bank or Muslim communities in non-member countries.
Students Undergraduate:
- Complete secondary education (or equivalent to about 12 years of education) with good grades in major subjects.
- Microbiology and Public Health, Biology.
- Medical Laboratories.
- Pharmacy.
- Medicine.
- Dentistry.
- Nursing.
- Industrial technologies.
- Mechanical.
- Electrical.
- Civilian.
Natural science:
- Statistics, demographic econometrics, and social studies.
- Economics, Entrepreneurship and Commerce.
- Law, Media, Journalism, Political Science.
- Natural Resources and Marine Sciences.
- Education, Psychology, Learning.
- Agriculture and forestry.
- Computer science, information technology and electronics.
Students postgraduate Masters:
- Be a graduate with a grade above “Good” in their Bachelor’s studies.
- Information and Communication Technology.
- Economics, Finance and Islamic Banking.
- Education for sustainable development.
- Plastic pollution and micro plastics.
- Climate change and Energy.
- Green chemistry.
- Social sciences.
- Biodiversity.
- Health.
Doctoral degree:
- Students should hold a master’s degree in one of the fields of study for the program.
- Information and Communication Technology.
- Economics, Finance and Islamic Banking.
- Education for sustainable development.
- Plastic pollution and micro plastics.
- Infrastructure development.
- Climate change and Energy.
- Sustainable agriculture.
- Population growth.
- Green chemistry.
- Social sciences.
- Health.
Students Post-Doctoral:
- Students should hold a PhD in one of the approved fields of the program.
- At least two years of experience in the field of scientific research.
- No other scholarship is received.
- You are medically fit and ready to undergo post-selection medical examinations.
How to apply:
To apply for the Islamic Development Bank Scholarship 2021, follow these steps:
- Read the above terms.
- Make sure the conditions are met.
- Create an account on the online application portal.
- Upload all the required documents and submit the application before the application deadline.
Note: Please be aware that the scholarship provided by the Islamic Development Bank is financial funding for the study. The student must obtain university admission either in his country or in the above-mentioned foreign universities.
All the best
I hop study in comfort environment
good luck
I hope study in comfort environment
حاصلة على بكالريوس علم نفس ورياض اطفال والماجستير علم نفس اجتماعي جامعة الرباط الوطني ودي اعمل دكتوراه في علم النفس العلاجي في المملكة العربية السعودية
قدمي على احدى الفرص المتاحة في السعودية
عايزه اعرف التفاصيل
المنحة عبارة عن مالية فقط
المطلوب منك انك تجيبي قبول في اي جامعة من الجامعات والبنك هو الذي سيقوم بتمويلك بكل مصاريف الدراسة بالاضافة الى الميزات الاخرى مثل الراتب الشهري والبدلات الاخرى
ممكن قبول من جامعات مصرية ؟؟؟
اه ممكن
اي دولة عربية بلس عدد كبير من الجامعات العريقة حول العالم
?? ممكن قبول من الجامعات السودانية
ممكن اذا استوفيتي كل الشروط المطلوبة
انا درست محاسبة
ينفع اقدم للماستر؟
اطلعي على الشروط والمستندات المطلوبة وان شاء الله بالتوفيق
حاصله علي بكالريوس القانون من جامعه أفريقيا العالميه
أرغب في الحصول على المنحه
لدراسه ماجستير القانون بجامعه افريقيا العالميه
اطلعي على الشروط والمستندات المطلوبة وان شاء الله بالتوفيق
عندي بكلايوس صيدله ونفسي اعمل ماستر في الصيدله السريريهة
بالتوفيق يا مناسك
داير اقدم كيف الطريقة ممكن سرح واف
اول شي المنحة عبارة عن منحة مالية فقط يعني هي بتتكفل بدفع الرسوم في اي جامعة يتم فيها قبولك
تاني شي لازم تشوف المتطلبات في المنحة سوا كان شهادات لغة انجليزية او غيره
اتاكد من اانك مستوفي كل الشروط المطلوبة
اذا سجلت بجامعة خاصة بسوريا بفرع صيدلة هل يقوم بنك التنمية الاسلامي بتمويل المصاريف الدراسية كاملة ؟؟
اذا استوفيتي شروط المنحة البنك سيدفع كل المصاريف
انا هاجر حموده محمد إدريس اعيش في السودان اتمنى أن تتيحو الفرصه لي لإكمال باقي مشوار حياتي ودراستي في الجامعات العربية.
اتاكدي من المستندات والشروط المطلوبة يا هاجر وبالتوفيق ان شاء الله يا رب
مرحبا انا مجيب الرحمن من السودان اتمني ان تتيحو
الفرصه لي لأكمال مسيرتي ودراستي في الجامعات للتعليم في المملكه العربيه
بالتوفيق يا مجيب عبد الرحمن