King Abdul-Aziz University Scholarships 2023-24 | Study in Saudi Arabia
King Abdul-Aziz University is offering scholarships to foreign students to study for masters and doctoral degrees in multiple disciplines.
The Saudi Arabian university announced that it will receive applicants from non-Saudi students to apply for a graduate studies scholarship.
Information about King Abdul-Aziz University scholarships:
It is a Saudi public university, it is considered the fourth-largest university in the Middle East. The university was established in 1967 in the Saudi city of Jeddah.
It has 24 colleges and 4 institutes, in addition to several research centers.
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Details of the university scholarships:
- Country: Saudi Arabia.
- Funding: Fully Funding.
- Level: Bachelor, Masters, and Decorate.
- Deadline: Open Always.
- Application: Completely Online.
- Eligible Countries: International Students
About the university scholarships:
The scholarships are fully funded as they cover study and housing expenses as well as travel expenses.
The Deanship of Graduate Studies at King Abdul-Aziz University provided a number of conditions for obtaining the funded scholarships.
Advantages of King Abdul-Aziz University Scholarships:
The King Abdul-Aziz University Scholarship for non-Saudis is a fully funded scholarship, as the scholarship includes all tuition costs throughout the enrollment period.
University Scholarships winners will receive the following:
- A monthly salary of 900 Saudi riyals.
- Annual airline tickets.
- Health insurance.
- Provide housing.
- Working as a research assistant for 1000 riyals per month.
- Reduced meals, graduation allowance bonus, and printing.
- Payment of a one-time placement adjustment allowance of 1800 Saudi riyals.
King Abdul-Aziz University Scholarships majors:
The majors differ according to the degree submitted to them, we will list the colleges to which to apply.
Master’s degree:
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities.
- Faculty of Economics and Management.
- College of Science.
- College of Engineering.
- Faculty of Meteorology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture.
- Faculty of Computing and Information Technology.
- Faculty of Environmental Designs.
The faculties available for Ph.D. do not differ with the exception of the majors of the Faculty of Economics and Administration.
Documents required to apply for King Abdul-Aziz Scholarships:
The Deanship of Admission and Registration identified a number of important documents that must be available upon application, which are:
- A valid passport.
- A CV for the applicant.
- A copy of the transcript.
- 2 academic recommendations.
- A copy of the graduation certificate.
- Research plan for a master’s or doctoral thesis.
Note: All copies of the documents must be notarized by the Saudi embassy or attaché in the applicant’s country.
Eligible Countries:
The univer٣sity did not specify the nationalities eligible to participate in the scholarship, but rather that postgraduate scholarships are offered to students from outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Conditions for applying:
- The scholarship requires applicants to be graduates from an accredited university.
- It also requires proof of English language proficiency.
Below is a table of the minimum scores required:
TOEFL (PBT) | 500 |
TOEFL (PBT) | 173 |
TOEFL (IBT) | 61 |
IELTS | 5 |
How to apply for the King Abdul-Aziz University Scholarship 2021?
All students can apply for the scholarship online.
You must create an account through the Graduate Scholarships website at King Abdul-Aziz University, by clicking on “create your account”.
Enter your e-mail. Then the website login information (username and password) will be sent. Please check spam or junk mail if it does not reach your inbox.
After the message arrives, log in again and press “login”, and enter your username and password.
After preparing all the required documents, start the application process. The application process does not take 15 minutes if you have prepared all the files in advance.
Good luck
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الخرطوم _السودان
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Salah kaper
اللهم اجعلها من نصيبي
توفيقك يارب
الحمد لله
Its good for me this program
ي ررب من الفائزين
I don’t have a passport so I didn’t able to apply. I hope that you can accept
Iam Arabic and English teacher
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ارجو المساعدة منكم
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أحمل بكالوريوس القانون كليه الشريعه والدراسات الاسلاميه جامعه افريقيا العالميه
أرغم بمنحي منحه لدراسة الماجستير في القانون
بجامعتكم العماره
مع فائق شكري وتقديري