Scholarship of Prince Sultan University


Msc Scholarships for International – First Call for international candidates to participate in prince sultan university scholarship.

Scholarship Description:

The College of Computer and Information Sciences at Prince Sultan University offers PSU scholarships for 10 international students in the Cyber security Program. The Robotics and Internet-of-Things lab opens the recruitment of excellent students’ candidates in this context.

See Mohammed Bin Zayed University Scholarships Fully Funded

Details about Prince Sultan scholarship:

  • Degree: Master scholarship degree.
  • Funding: fully funding scholarships.
  • Host country: Saudi Arabia.
  • Course: computer sciences.
  • Deadline: not specified.

Funding Provided in Prince Sultan scholarship:

  • Enrolling in the Graduate Program with full scholarship.
  • Accommodation in University Housing.
  • Monthly Salary of 4000SR.
  • Transportation allowance.
  • Health Insurance.

Research Topics:

The Robotics and Interne-of-Things works a broad areas of research. In the context of the scholarships for the Cyber security Master Program, we are interested in the following areas:

  • Deep learning model for cyber security threats.
  • Security of smart transportation systems.
  • Security of unmanned aerial systems.
  • Security of machine learning models.
  • Development of anti-drone systems.
  • Security of the internet-of-things.

Admission in Prince Sultan scholarship master program Criteria:

  • Bachelor degree in the required field with a minimum GPA of 3.25/4 or equivalent.
  • English Proficiency test (6.5 IELTS, 80 TOEFL IBT).
  • A maximum of 3 years since obtaining his undergraduate degree.

Missions Required in Prince Sultan Scholarship:

  • Work for at least 40 hours weekly in the assigned Research Lab.
  • Perform all research and academic duties requested by the advisor.
  • Publication of two research journals.

Starting Date in Prince Sultan Scholarships:

Position is available starting from January 2020. Applications will be open until otherwise notified.

How to Apply for Prince Sultan Scholarships?

  • To submit your application, please send an email to [email protected].
  • In case your application has interest to us, we will contact you to send complementary documents, including CV, and expected research plan.
  • Please remember that In case your application is not positive, you will not receive a feedback from us.

Robotics and Internet of Things Lab Overview:

RIOTU Lab is a leading research at Prince Sultan University with several active researchers and students. The Robotics and Internet-of-Things research lab focuses on the integration of robots into the Internet of Things. In particular, RIOT is working in emerging topics such as:

  • Design of unmanned aerial vehicles and their applications
  • Big data analytics for IoT and robotics applications.
  • Integration of robots/drones into the IoT and cloud.
  • Communication and networking for the IoT.
  • Software engineering for cloud robotics.
  • AI algorithms for planning in robotics.
  • Security and safety of drones.

For more details:

University of Prince Sultan Overview:

Prince Sultan University is a private non-profit university in Saudi Arabia to have been awarded accreditation by the NCAAA (National Commission for Assessment & Academic Accreditation). Further, it is the youngest university to have achieved such a milestone.

Vision of Prince Sultan University:

Prince Sultan University emphasizes excellence in teaching, research and community services.

The University strives to promote its research impact and is looking for talented researchers to join and contribute to raise the research productivity at the University.

All The Best

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